Oct 12, 2006

Someone sent me this text message: "The highest pain in life is to sit just beside a person you love a lot and know the fact that the person can never be yours in this lifetime."

While I discussed about this with a friend, he told me...."If I talk about love, I needn't own and call something/someone mine.The moment I own, I wield authority over it. Where there's authority, love is absent. If you love someone a lot, there's no need for that someone to be yours (your own) at all!"

Then, why is a person possessive of his/her spouse? Is this not authority?
If love cannot be in a place where there is authority...then can it be if there is possessiveness?
If one is not possessive about the one he/she loves, then is it really love?
One in love likes it if someone's possessive of them, isn't it?


mystique said...

You have the authority in love and you are swept away by someone’s authority over you coz you are in love with that person, if you disapprove of this authority then may be you are not in love with that person at all. Where there is love, there is possessiveness, there is expectation, need for closeness and spaces - These feelings convoy love as with out these, love will be Unconditional and unconditional love is too painful to be in and is too good to exist.

Anonymous said...

I think you have somewhere missed the point behind the text message. The point was not necessarily about owning the other person but actually implied the misfortune of the person not able to spend each and every moment with the person in love.
Now coming to the issue of being possesive and showing authority it would be there in a relationship but then as applied to all things in life there should be a balance without being totally influenced by those characteristics which would strangle the relation.

srikanth said...

Hey your questions thereafter are ironical to the opening statement. Think about it.

However, as i always feel, it is a challenge to get to the standard of pure love. Requires hell lota guts and nobility.