Sep 28, 2006

Arrogance and money reign!!

Sometimes I wonder, what makes one arrogant.
Is it the fact that one thinks he is in a better position (money or otherwise!) in comparison to his peers, or is it a way of trying to get over his insecurities?
Does money have any part to play in one's arrogant behaviour?
Or maybe, arrogant people with more money is just a coincidence?
Is arrogance bad at all?
Can we channelise arrogance to something constructive?
.................Many questions, very less answers!!
.................Whatever it may seem.....Arrogance, sometimes, does hurt!!


Anonymous said...

what may seem arrogance to the receptor may not be an intentional display of arrogance by someone.

the fact someone arrogant has money today is a coincidence

the arrogant one may be a well wisher, who has seen better things and may expects only better things from you, by constantly raising the bar.

Preethi Simha said...

True Pinnochio,but the receptor sees it as arrogance because thats how it comes across...

A well wisher also has to say what he has to say in a right possible manner..any deviation,that might be hurtful,would be perceived as arrogant behaviour.

Expectations to do better things from a person can sometimes be putting them under a lot of pressure,and under such circumstances, chances are that they can buckle.

Guru said...

its nice thought, but I completely agree with pinnochio... its all the matter of perception, you would have perceived him/her to be arrogant

or probabaly it is the matter that you want someone to behave in a way u want.. rather than how they want.... so the choice of taking someone arrogant is upto you

Anonymous said...

From a distance, I find arrogance cute and/or funny because it's juvenile. But spending time with a chronic egotist can make me sick.

I agree with Pinnochio, because I had turned mean some while ago and it was not a planned thing. :)

Preethi Simha said...

@ guru and shruthi... I guess u guys are right...Probably, Its just perception....And sometimes its just expecting one to behave in a particular manner...