Aug 5, 2006

He is Immortal!

A person very close to me passed away more than a year ago.
I can't stop thinking about it even to this minute.
Every moment I had spent with him has been so precious and invaluable, and today...I remember him every day...every minute, infact.
I feel that vacuum can never be filled,no matter how much my friends and relatives try.

Is it wrong to remember him always and have that uncomfortable feeling, that none can equal him?
How can I stop thinking about him always?
And, if at all I try to,will that make me a bad person?
Should I stop grieving and accept it as a part of life?
Is it wrong to expect people close to me to be like him?
Most of all, I wonder how I can carry on with my life without HIM?

So many questions in my mind....wish I had an answer......


Sleepyface said...

if there were answers for every question asked, then there would be no term "self-discovery" ..

Its our task to find answers. Its our task to find the truth.


Anonymous said...

Hey Preethi,

I'm sorry for your loss. I think it's safe to trust one's feelings. Maybe it's true that none can equal him. Maybe that's why he was so special. It's ok to want to find him in others, but remember how you found HIM in HIM...? You can so find others in themselves.

We're all together in having unanswered questions. I'd like to tell you, too, that I'm with you. Always.


Preethi Simha said...

@vish- True..but not an easy task.

@shruthi- Thank u so much.